WQ4F Film “Tidal Alert” and Program Materials

Building stakeholder and public support for improved water quality in North Carolina.

“Tidal Alert: The State of Water Quality and its Impacts on Coastal Fisheries” Trailer

“Tidal Alert: The State of Water Quality and its Impacts on Coastal Fisheries” Film

Program Overview

Click here for the Water Quality for Fisheries Program Overview

Program Process


The Water Quality for Fisheries Program has been developed through collaboration with the coastal commercial and recreational fishing community, water quality researchers, and coastal water quality advocacy organizations.  


Survey Results Identifying Water Quality Concerns Prioritized by Coastal Fishing Representatives:


Research and Assessment on Water Quality Concerns Prioritized by Coastal Fishing Representatives:

WQ4F Assessment 2021-22 Final

Five Water Quality Priorities

Water Quality Priorities Identified by Coastal North Carolina Fisheries Representatives:

  1. Agriculture and Factory Farm Runoff
  2. Stormwater Runoff from Roads, Highways, and Parking Lots
  3.  Industrial Pollutants
  4.  Plastic Pollution
  5.  Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants and Septic Tanks

Industry Working Group (IWG)

The IWG is made up of Commercial and Recreational Fishing Representatives.

Goals of the IWG Completed in 2021-22:

  1. Collaborated and communicated with other fisheries representatives to address concerns about how water quality impacts fisheries.
  2. Collectively learned (from the WQ4F Assessment Process) what is currently being done in the State to address water quality issues impacting fisheries.
  3. Collaboratively made recommendations on what more needs to be done to improve water quality for fisheries.
  4. Proposed next steps that address gaps in addressing what is not currently being done to address water quality issues.

What took place during the IWG Meetings in 2021:

  • Each meeting addressed a water quality concern (prioritized by the coastal fishing community – see list above).
  • A water quality issue assessment presentation was given during each meeting – content included what is currently being done in the State to address that issue.  Issues were prioritized by the fisheries community during a recent survey (initial part of this project).
  • Representatives from agencies and organizations worked to address the specific issue will be invited to attend and present information.
  • During each meeting there was time for the IWG to ask questions and evaluate how that issue is being addressed in the State.

2021-22 IWG Members:

  • Thomas Newman – Williamston
  • Mark Hooper – Smyrna
  • Mike Blanton – Elizabeth City
  • Sam Romano – Wilmington
  • Glenn Skinner – Newport
  • Greg Ludlum – North Topsail Beach
  • Joey Van Dyke – Frisco
  • Krissi Evans – Wrightsville Beach
  • Jot Owens – Wilmington
  • David Sneed – Oriental

2022-23 IWG Members:

  • Thomas Newman – Williamston
  • Mark Hooper – Smyrna
  • Glenn Skinner – Newport
  • David Sneed – Oriental
  • Joey Van Dyke – Frisco
  • Jot Owens – Wilmington
  • Jess Hawkins – Morehead City
  • Tanner Michael Lynk – Harkers Island

Click Here to Join the Industry Working Group in 2022-23


The Water Quality for Fisheries Assessment (Assessment) is a living document that serves to address impacts on water quality that are identified by the coastal fishing community. The Assessment has been written by the research and assessment team at CCRW, and includes staff, interns, board members, the IWG (made up of commercial and recreational fishing representatives), and advisors that work specifically on prioritized water quality concerns in North Carolina.  The Assessment has been reviewed by the IWG during meetings that have taken place in 2021. The Assessment is categorized by the following methodologies for addressing each water quality concern: Infrastructure, Policy and Enforcement, Research, and Outreach.

Press Release Announcing Assessment:

Press Release WQ4F Assessment

Click on the Following to Access the Assessment:

WQ4F Final Assessment 2021-2022

Assessments by Water Quality Concern:

WQ4F Industrial Agriculture and Factory Farming Assessment 

WQ4F Stormwater Assessment

WQ4F Industrial Pollution Assessment

WQ4F Plastic Pollution Assessment  

WQ4F Wastewater Pollution Assessment

Public Outreach

As part of the 2021-22 WQ4F program, a Documentary Film “Tidal Alert: The State of Water Quality and its Impacts on Coastal Fisheries” has been created.  See the top of this page for full access. 

Social Media Campaign Materials in 2021:

Campaign Performance Measures in 2021

Pre-Campaign Survey 


Post-Campaign Survey


Funding for this project has been generously provided by the Marine Fisheries Commission Commercial Resource Funding Committee and the Funding Committee for the North Carolina Commercial Fishing Resource Fund.